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The Constitution for Ennis Camera Club and Photographic Society

  1. The club shall be called the Ennis Camera Club and Photographic Society, affiliated to the SACC and the IPF and shall be open to all members, interested in photography.

  2. Membership of the club implies the undertaking to comply with and abide by the following rules.

  3. The annual subscription shall be fixed for the following year at the Annual General Meeting and be payable in September each year.

  4. The officers shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Competition Secretary and Outdoor Group Secretary to be elected at an Annual General meeting in September each year.

  5. The affairs of the club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the officers and three members making a Committee of eight, all to be elected in September.  The Committee shall have power to co-opt further members to the Committee and to appoint sub-Committees which shall have no executive power.

  6. All officers and Committee members are eligible for re-election each year with the exception of the Chairman who shall not be eligible to serve more than three years consecutively.

  7. Candidates for election to the Committee shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another, the proposition being put to any ordinary meeting.  Candidates for Officer Membership of the club may be elected at an Annual General Meeting.

  8. Special meetings may be convened on a requisition signed by at least SEVEN ordinary members, stating the object and sent to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the date proposed.

  9. At Committee meetings FIVE shall form a quorum and TEN at general meetings.

  10. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the AGM and all Committee meetings and conduct the correspondence of the Club.  The Treasurer shall collect all subscriptions and monies due after authorisation by the Committee.  All such monies shall be kept in a safe place, Bank Account or Credit Union and all cheques drawn on the Club shall be signed by any Two officers of the club i.e. Chairman, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer and one other.

  11. A member may be expelled or asked to resign from the club at the decision of the Committee.  The Committee can request a member to appear before it, provided that where any accusation or charge is made the member shall be given full and reasonable opportunity to put forward a defence and bring witnesses at a later meeting.  Any member expelled or asked to resign shall have the right to appeal to a Special General Meeting called for the purpose.  All Committee proceedings and those of any Special General Meetings called under this rule shall be treated as privileged and minutes will be kept, and kept confidential.

  12. The name of any member whose subscription is more than three months in arrears may be removed from the list by order of the Committee.

  13. A member not in arrears of subscription may resign at any time by notifying the Secretary of his desire to do so.

  14. A prospective member may attend two meetings, free of charge, to ascertain they feel at one with the membership, and wish to become a member.

  15. Visitors may attend club meetings free of charge, at the invitation of the Committee.

  16. In the event of the winding up of the club, the available funds and assets of the Club shall be distributed as decided by the managing Committee.

  17. By choosing to enter any Club competition a member will be deemed to agree to their image being used for external competitions. However a member may specify for personal reasons that a particular image may not be used or published outside the confines of the club, in such cases the members wishes will be respected.

  18. No alteration of, or addition to, these rules shall be made except by the Annual General Meeting or a special meeting called in accordance with Rule 8.

Business Links

The committee and members are very grateful to the following business who have given sponsorship to the club.  We would encourage all members to support these businesses where possible

  • Facebook - Black Circle

Powers Pub, Clarecastle

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