Ennis Camera Club is based in Ennis, County Clare, Ireland. We are a club whose members and visitors share a love for photography and a determination to improve. The aim of the club is to share our knowledge of photography and to learn from others. The club aims to be a social club as well as a forum for learning. We want people to have fun and enjoy themselves while learning at the same time.
Our meetings are held fortnightly in the award winning Powers Pub in Clarecastle. Our meeting are varied and includes group outings, guest speakers, workshops and competitions/projects. After the meeting formally ends, we encourage members to stay around for a coffee or a drink and a chat.
The club is affiliated to both the Southern Association of Camera Clubs (SACC), and the Irish Photographic Federation (IPF) and many of our members are also members of the Royal Photographic Society.
Club Calendar
Club meetings will take place every second week beginning in September.
Our facebook page will be updated on a regular basis with additional
information....... https://www.facebook.com/groups/829441090510110
Outdoor Group
This is a great opportunity to put the theory into practice and learn from doing. Coordinated by experienced photographers this is a platform to learn from each other and share knowledge. We encourage all members to join the events. Due to insurance reasons only paid members can attend these events.